Healthy Lifestyle

Enjoy the Beautiful Weather

enjoy the beautiful weather

We are lucky to live in an area with many forest preserves and nature areas where movement happens naturally. With so many amazing places to explore, don't let your movement become repetitive, boring, or expensive.

It doesn't have to be fancy or meticulously planned out. Schedule some time, pick a place or activity, and have some fun. The nice weather days will only be with us for a while, so take advantage of them.  

Getting out in nature to do something active is good for your mental and physical health. When you don't feel like you have the time for something active outside, it is probably when you need it most. You can benefit from this practice by creatively working it into your day.

Let’s look at some ways to enjoy this weather in an active way you love!


Everyday Life

Try to get outside for a little while every day. It doesn't even matter what you do. Just getting out tends to make you more active and can be refreshing.

  • Take a walk after dinner
  • Find a parking spot that will make you walk
  • Bike places when you can
  • Pick active outings when getting together with friends
  • Carry your child or give them a piggyback ride to the car, lunch table, etc.
  • Talk and walk when having a meeting with a coworker
  • Take your phone calls outside


Make It Enjoyable

You will move more if you pick activities you enjoy instead of things you think you should do. Don't choose something you dread; choose something that will be life-giving. You should look forward to your movement and feel energized afterward.

Choose your activities based on your personality and current needs.

  • Do you need some time alone?
  • Would you prefer some company?
  • Do you need to start small?
  • Are you ready for something more intense?

What type of activities would fit best with your answers?

  • Go to the park
  • Play with your kids
  • Take a walk with a friend or coworker 
  • Go for a walk alone
  • Ride a bike
  • Do a yoga video
  • Swim some laps in solitude
  • Enjoy water slides with friends
  • Jump on a trampoline playfully
  • Play hopscotch
  • Have a water balloon fight (get super fun reusable ones here)
  • Jump rope vigorously
  • Take a dance class
  • Go rock climbing (Vertical Endeavors in Glendale Heights)
  • Play tennis
  • Learn pickleball (at Warrenville Park District)
  • Explore your city (or a city near you) on foot



Many outdoor places can be enjoyed in a brief visit, but taking a few hours to explore them will make it an especially fun experience.


Let this be the year when you discover an outdoor activity that you love. Don't be afraid to try something new - canoeing, archery, dancing, etc.!

Dr. Jamie


Work with Me to Feel Your Best

work with me to feel your best

When you feel good physically, it impacts how you feel mentally. Feeling good mentally makes it easier to connect with those you love. Meaningful connections often increase your energy. This energy can help you move your body and be more mindful of what you eat.

Together, these things make you feel better physically. It all feeds into a positive cycle that can lead you toward living a life you love. My goal is to help your body function at its top level so that you feel your best.

You deserve to live a full life without anything holding you back, so call the office at 630-448-2205 or use the online scheduling system to make your appointment today. 

Let’s look at what you have to gain and what you have to lose.


Acute Pain

When pain comes on suddenly, it is considered acute pain. It has a specific cause that often can be identified. It may be a fall, lifting something heavy, or rolling your ankle. But it could also be something less extreme like bending to tie your shoes or sleeping funny.

In any circumstance, your body will give us clues as to what it needs. There are different approaches we can take based on what you are experiencing. Most of the time, it will be appropriate to start treatment immediately. Occasionally we will want to run tests to see if a fracture, break, or infection is causing the pain.


Lingering Pain

Nobody wants to experience lingering or chronic pain. You may be able to handle it for a while, but eventually, it takes a toll on you. When it gets to be too much, it can impact every aspect of your life.

Maybe you thought it would go away on its own, so you never sought medical care. Or perhaps you've gone to another doctor, and they didn't relieve the problem. It is discouraging to feel like your pain will be a part of your life forever, but I have alleviated lingering pain for a lot of people. I encourage you not to give up; you deserve to feel better.



Chiropractic care is valuable for everyone; you do not need to be in pain to benefit from it. Regular care can help prevent injury and catch muscular-skeletal issues before they become a big problem. It can impact the nervous system bringing the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems into balance. This can get you out of the fight-or-flight state. This is good for digestion, stress, and overall wellness. It can also impact your immune system.

Since the early 1900s, there has been evidence that regular chiropractic care has a positive effect on the immune system. It is believed that regulating your nervous system leads your body to function more efficiently making your immune responses more effective. For more information about the benefits and impact on the immune system, check out "Why Chiropractic Care is So Important."


Whole Body Approach

I treat the human body as a complex system, not just individual parts. This is likely why my patients see such good results. 

If you are experiencing knee pain, I will examine the muscles, ligaments, tendons, and nerves around your knee.  

  • If we find joints that aren't moving properly, we will mobilize them.
  • If we find muscles that are too tight, or nerves that are entrapped, we will use the Active Release Technique (ART) to release them.
  • If we find weak muscles, we will give you exercises to strengthen them.

Sometimes, however, the root of the pain is in an area you would not expect. Your gait, movement patterns, and inflammation in the body also impact your knee. So, we will examine those issues and make a treatment plan to address them. My goal is to look at the state of your body as a whole because that is the best way to get your body functioning well the fastest.

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Taking Care of Yourself After Loss

taking care of yourself after lossAs many of you know, Dr. Jamie said goodbye to her mom last week. Thank you for the kindness you have shown her during this time.

I am sharing this previous blog because it is hard to do self-care during difficult times. I have modified it to be more appropriate for those suffering a loss. I hope it will provide easy ways to care for yourself when you may not feel like you can.


Simple Self-Care Ideas

Let’s look at some things you can do to take care of yourself in 5-minutes or less. 

  1. Put on a cozy sweater or sweatshirt
  2. Open the window for a cool breeze
  3. Massage or stroke your face
  4. Meditate
  5. Smile at a fond memory
  6. Gaze at the stars
  7. Yoga (hold the child’s pose)
  8. Take some deep breaths
  9. Stare at nature
  10. Declutter your nightstand
  11. Give yourself a foot massage
  12. Put on some makeup
  13. List three positive things about yourself
  14. Close your eyes letting the sunshine on your face
  15. Diffuse your favorite scent
  16. Play with your pet
  17. Get some movement
  18. Make a list of everything on your mind
  19. Do a sudoku or crossword puzzle
  20. Hug a loved one
  21. Open your blinds
  22. Be completely still
  23. Listen to your favorite song
  24. Apply a face mask
  25. Sit in your car in silence
  26. Pick a mantra to focus on
  27. Step outside or go for a walk
  28. Sing your favorite song
  29. Mindfully drink your coffee 
  30. Eat a piece of dark chocolate
  31. Stretch your body
  32. Progressively tense and relax your body
  33. Apply lotion to your body
  34. Doodle or color
  35. Look at old pictures

Everyone responds differently to loss. Some people are overcome with emotion while others go into "business mode." Many times people alternate between the two. There is no wrong way to process grief even if it is different than how other people expect you to react. And, it is okay to feel things other than sadness; it doesn't mean you are not grieving deeply. 

Dr. Jamie (and Carolyn)


Difficult Times

difficult times wrong sizeAs many of you know, Dr. Jamie's mother passed away on Monday.  The kind words and understanding that you have given at this time are truly appreciated. 

This blog article, "Moving Through Difficult Emotions," has been sent out before but seems appropriate to revisit.



Moving Through Difficult Emotions

Growing up, we often get the message that it’s not okay to experience “negative” emotions. Sometimes the message is harsh and clear through words like “don’t cry like a baby” or “grow up”.

Sometimes it is more subtle. Well-meaning people say things like “Don’t cry honey, you’re okay”. Other times they may use distraction techniques to prevent you from feeling difficult emotions. 

All these methods, whether well-intentioned or not, can lead to us avoiding negative emotions. But these emotions don’t simply go away when we ignore them. It is important to learn how to embrace and work through difficult emotions in a healthy way. Let’s look at what that means so that we can live an authentic full life.


Importance of Embracing Difficult Emotions

According to researcher and author Brene Brown, “We cannot selectively numb emotions, when we numb the painful emotions, we also numb the positive emotions.”

In other words, if we want to feel love, joy, peace, and fulfilment, we must also have the capacity to feel loneliness, sadness, anxiety, and emptiness. We cannot fully feel the “positive” emotions without making room for the “difficult” ones.


Messages Our Emotions Give Us

All our emotions are valuable and provide insightful information if we learn to listen to them. If we pay attention to how we feel when we are with different people in our lives, we can learn a lot about those relationships.

For example, if we feel great love towards someone, we can recognize that the relationship is important to us. But difficult emotions can indicate that as well. Imagine that you are hurt because a friend didn’t follow through on a promise. This difficult emotion may show you that you generally trust and value this friendship, so it is especially painful when they let you down.

Another emotion that gives us valuable information is our anger. Often our anger tells us that someone has crossed our boundaries. When we take a moment to recognize our anger and ask what boundary has been crossed, we are more likely to be able to handle the situation constructively.


Working Through Difficult Emotions

Once we realize how valuable our emotions are, it is important to learn how to work through the difficult ones. Here are some steps to handling these important, but difficult emotions.

  • First, allow yourself to truly feel your emotions. We often try to resist difficult emotions, but this causes more suffering. Embrace each emotion, welcoming the message that it brings to you.
  • Name your emotions and be with them. Don’t try to rush through uncomfortable feelings. Often they will sweep over you like a wave and then pass.
  • Notice where you feel it in your body. Does your heart feel heavy? Is your jaw clenched? 
  • If you get stuck in an emotion, doing something constructive, creative, and engaging can be helpful - things like art, reading, cooking, yard work, movement, meditation, mindfulness, or conscious breathing.

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Embracing Failures

embracing failureIn 1957, Alfred Fielding and Marc Chavannes tried to invent a 3-D wallpaper. They sealed two plastic shower curtains together by heat. The results were disappointing, and it was a complete failure as wallpaper. 

A decade later Spencer Silver attempted to make a strong adhesive for the space industry. He was unsuccessful and ended up with a weak adhesive that peeled off without leaving a residue.

Failing can be a painful experience, leading to embarrassment and shame. However, the “failures” mentioned above are the reasons we have bubble wrap and post-it notes today. These mistakes were turned into something useful, but even if they were not, the failure would still be valuable.

Let’s explore why many leaders believe that failing is a step on the path to greatness. 



Don’t Play it Safe

Elon Musk has a strong history of failure. It is interesting to see how many challenges he had on the way to his success. You can read about his journey in the article here. Because he understands the benefit of taking risks, he explains that in his companies "Failure is an option... If things are not failing, you are not innovating enough."

Achieving greatness inherently comes with the risk of failure. If you embrace failure as a part of learning, you will not need to play it safe. You will be free to try innovative ideas with the potential for huge success.  ⁠ 

It is okay to try, fail, learn, and try again. ⁠If you never fail, your goals may be too small. ⁠This might keep you from failure but will also limit your growth.


Fail Forward

Think about one of your greatest achievements. Did you accomplish it easily without any challenges? Probably not. When you persevere despite failure, you can apply the knowledge you have gained through your mistakes. Winston Churchill said, "Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm." 

It is hard to face the disappointment of one mistake after the other, but perseverance may make all the difference. Consider the fact that Howard Schultz was rejected for a loan 242 times before he secured the funds to start Starbucks. 


Are you a Failure

Many of the most successful people were initially considered failures. Just look up the history of the Beetles, Walt Disney, and Oprah Winfrey. They didn’t give up when they were not recognized for their brilliance. J.M. Barrie, the author of Peter Pan, had a unique perspective on failure, saying, "We are all failures - at least the best of us are.” 

These celebrities must have had a growth mindset that gave them the fortitude to persevere. This type of mindset focuses on the ability to improve and progress, instead of the limiting belief that you are born with set abilities that limit your capacity for success.

If you are interested in developing a growth mindset, check out Carol S. Dweck's amazing book "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success." 



What would you do if you knew you wouldn’t fail? Embracing the possibility of failure can free you up to take chances and pursue your passions. When you realize that failure has a purpose, it will make persevering a little bit easier. 

Dr. Jamie

*I earn a small commission on qualifying purchases as an Amazon Associate.




Wonder Woman & Watches

wonder woman and watchesMost of us have been taught, in subtle ways, to ignore our bodies. These unintended lessons were primarily given to us by well-intentioned adults when we were very young. We were expected to follow the structure of the day regardless of the sensations we felt in our bodies.  

As adults, many of us continue to dismiss what our bodies are telling us. We go through the day chipping away at our to-do lists without paying attention to any inconvenient sensations we are feeling.  

While we cannot be led by every feeling, if we consistently ignore the body's messages there may be a price to pay. Slowing down for just a moment to notice these signals will help us honor and take care of our bodies.


Ignoring Our Bodily Sensations

Do you remember the scene in Wonder Woman where Diana asks why Steve's watch is ticking? Steve explains, “Because it tells time. When to eat, sleep, wake up, work.” She responds with a simple, “You let this little thing tell you what to do?”  

We can learn a lot from her response, but first, let’s look at the ways you may have been taught to ignore your body.     

  • Having to wait until mealtimes to eat.
  • Being required to clean your plate.
  • Waiting to go to the bathroom until between classes.
  • Being taught to hold back when you have to pass gas.
  • Having our feelings minimized, dismissed, or punished.
  • Being pushed to keep going when we were tired and in need of rest.


What About Learning Self Control?

Many people think children need to learn these lessons to function properly in the world. While there is some truth to that, there is a way to honor both the body and social norms.  

We don’t need to follow these sensations impulsively. It is possible to recognize what our body is telling us without acting upon it. When we recognize its messages and consciously choose our response, we honor our body. 


Examples of Honoring the Body in Daily Life

Listening to your body can help you function at a higher capacity in the long run. Noticing the little things your body is telling you now can help you pay attention to sensations that could alert you to significant health issues later. Let’s look at some ways that you can honor your body and still function in our society.


You are exhausted when you wake up in the morning but have to get to work

  • Take a moment to recognize how your body feels - Do you have itchy eyes, a heavy head, an aching body, etc?
  • Assess the situation - Can you do anything to get more rest now? If not, that’s okay. Just recognize both what your body is telling you and the reality of the situation.
  • Make a plan - If you can’t respond to this message now, you may decide to honor your body by going to bed early that evening. Or you could do something relaxing (or energizing) during lunch. 
  • Note - If sleep is difficult for you check out Are You in a Sleep Deficit and The Magic of an Oura Ring


It is time for lunch, but you are not hungry.

  • Take a moment to recognize how your body feels - Is your stomach rumbling? Are you having trouble focusing? Are you lightheaded or shaky?
  • Assess the situation - Is this your only chance to eat or can you push lunch back a while?
  • Make a plan - If your lunch consistently comes before you are hungry, consider rearranging your day. If that is not possible, perhaps you can eat a light lunch and plan to have a snack in the afternoon.
  • Note - People with certain medical conditions or mental health concerns will have to take special precautions (those with diabetes or anorexia, those with a history of trauma, etc). If you are dealing with any of these issues, please feel free to talk with me. I will try to connect you to some helpful resources.


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More Articles ...

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  2. Are Your Lips Dry?
  3. Are You Too Clean
  4. Connections to Celebrate on Valentine's Day!
  5. A Thoughtful Valentine's Day
  6. The Magic of an Oura Ring
  7. Why Should You Care About Obesogens?
  8. Why Chiropractic Care Is So Important
  9. The Post-Holiday Blues
  10. Go Easy on Yourself
  11. Resolutions Based on Who You Want to Be
  12. Self-Care in Five Minutes
  13. Gifts They Won't Forget
  14. Holding on to Gratitude
  15. How to Build Resilience
  16. Is There Really a Flu Season?
  17. Let's Talk About Poop
  18. Are you Living in Captivity?
  19. The Comfort Crisis
  20. A Bat in the Kitchen!?!
  21. Schedule Online Today
  22. Are you in a Sleep Deficit?
  23. Ideas to Handle Stress
  24. Exploring the Forest Preserve
  25. How to Wear a Backpack
  26. Self-Compassion: What it is & How it Can Impact Your Life
  27. An Easy Life Hack for Physical & Mental Well-Being
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  38. Atomic Habits: Making Change that will Last
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  41. Keep it Simple! How I Actually Lift Weights
  42. Functional Movement
  43. Taking Care of Yourself this Winter
  44. Don't Forget the Basics: Sleep
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  46. Making and Keeping New Year's Resolutions
  47. Stress Eating During the Holidays
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  49. Gifts That They Will Love
  50. Using Thanksgiving as a Springboard to a Gratitude Practice